Conservation & Evolutionary Biology Lab
Department of Entomology,
National Taiwan University

Our lab's research focuses on biodiversity, behavioral ecology, phylogenetics, and their applications across various taxa, including insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, with a particular emphasis on Pachyrhynchus weevils.
Pachyrhynchus is a genus of tropical weevils known for their vibrant coloration and remarkably high species diversity, especially on islands. Most species are native to the Philippine Archipelago, each with an extremely limited distribution due to their fused elytra and reduced dispersal ability. In addition to fieldwork, we utilize molecular tools to investigate questions related to conservation, ecology, and evolution.
Recently, we have expanded our research to urban ecology, a field closely connected to human life. Specifically, we study the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on insects and how the masked palm civet adapts to urban environments in Taiwan.